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How to Create Stunning Silky Alcohol Ink Flowers
About Me / Video (10:05)
Alcohol ink Basics/ what I use and some examples (33:02)
Amazon Link for supplies
My Workspace (Video) (1:50)
Let's Paint Flowers!
Getting started.... tips from troubleshooting
New updated 3/14. Basics video "learning my secret" (9:11)
Full Sound Video and Instruction on my petal technique (10:50)
Close up - Slow Motion Petal creation (5:38)
Black and Denim Flower (No Airbrush Sound) (6:12)
Sapphire Blue Flower (No Airbrush Sound) (4:47)
Crimson and Valencia Flower with Center Demo (8:19)
Sunflower video (10:49)
High speed flower demo (0:21)
Summer Vibes Video (Uploaded 6-1-21) (22:19)
Some of my work explained in a video (10:19)
More of my flowers (0:46)
How to seal your inks
How I prepare my boxes for Art Resin (3:33)
Check out this amazing artist!
Dual Air Flowers. Using Canned Air and an Airbrush
BLUE DUAL AIR Flower (18:02)
DUAL AIR FLOWER (Focus on Center using Q-tip (20:51)
Centers and Wider Petals
2 flowers in one video focusing on the CENTERS of the flowers. (24:48)
Creating a WIDER petal. (7:16)
Thinking outside of the CENTER.... How I created the center of the wide petal flower (5:13)
Sunflower video (Large Center) (23:07)
Painted Flowers (No Airbrush)
Painted Iris (Paint Brush, not airbrush) (33:34)
Painted Poppies (Paint brush, not airbrush) (30:10)
Cherry Blossoms (PAINTED NOT AIRBRUSHED) (48:48)
"Spider Legs" How to prevent or use to your advantage (2:56)
What happens if you don't dry the petal all of the way? (5:39)
Troubleshooting/ too much alcohol too large of petal (7:08)
Troubleshooting (Petals too light,, alcohol %, Psi setting) (4:17)
Coupon Code for 20% off my other courses
Coupon Code
Facebook Group, Data Sheets, etc.
Private Facebook Group Link
Safety Data Sheet Alcohol Inks
What happens if you don't dry the petal all of the way?
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